Clue Band Name Generator Clue board game weapons

Name your band with the Clue board game case file

Trying to figure out what to name your band? Try our name-generator that uses clues form the Clue board game.

Turn it up to 11 to get your band name!

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
Clue board case file

Clue is a board game dating back to 1943. According to the game was created by a British wartime fire warden while walking his beat between Nazi firebombings. The original game title was "Murder." The name was changed to Cluedo, then to CLue when it was published in the United States by Parker Brothers.

Board games became popular in the United States in the nineteen century as life and industry shifted from agriculture and farms to manufacturing and cities. THe home became a place to entertain and enlightenment. Children were encouraged to play games that increased literacy and reasoning. The earliest board games published in the United States were based upon Christian morality.

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