Harry Potter and His Fandom of Books and Movies

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good…"

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I love Harry Potter Series? 9¾ is my answer and shall always remain. Yes, our fandom is that fantastical about the novel and film series that started almost twenty years ago when the first book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released on 26th June 1997. From then onwards it was just a matter of time that the fandom increased in numbers. With each passing day there was one more letter from Hogwarts and one more fan dying to receive it. The books received immense critical acclaim. And with J.K Rowling handing over her creative instincts on to the scripts written for the film adaptations, did the fandom received one more gift – The Harry Potter Film Series.

J.K. Rowling's imaginary land of magic, witchcraft and wizardry is so fantastic that we fans debate whether it really is just imaginary or real. And when the film series brought it to life, there is no easy way out of it. Hogwarts just gobbled us up!

It was not Harry who was told "You're a wizard Harry", but it was equally our experience in acknowledging the wizarding powers. We went through the pillar between platform 9 and 10, we bought Hedwig, and we bought a wand and sat across Ron when he gasped and whispered dramatically, "WOAH, so it's true?! I mean, do you really have the scar?"

Oh the lovely moments with friends in Hogwarts, getting housed in to Gryffindor, the first ever Quidditch match and the experience of riding a broom, catching the Snitch and allowing your team to win… I can go on and on about each and every moment that Harry lived and I experienced as if I was the one breathing through all of it but what about some of the other characters? The characters are ones that breathe the life into this series and are the most important people in Harry's life too:

Video clips of the best Harry Potter scenes

"The stories we love the most, live in us forever".

Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts bully and snitch

Now every story has a villain. But what about a story that revolves around children? Children don't have villains, they have bullies or rebels. Draco can't be categorized perfectly into either because he was neither a complete rebel; bully or even a villain as far as the story goes. He just was the first person rejected of friendship of Harry and continued to hate him till the end of the story.

Professor Severus Snape the half blood prince

The most complicated and unpredictable character Rowling ever wrote. Many of the fans were not even able to comprehend that he was not a bad man. Rather someone who was playing the neutral one just to save Harry.

Professor Albus Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had the most old, experienced and wisest headmaster that was Albus Dumbledore. Wise beyond any of the other wizard's grasp, he has shown to be someone Harry looked up to as mentor and inspiring figure in his life.

Thus concluding before I explode with more words and go on describing characters, I would like to say that having a net worth of £600 million today, J.K. Rowling was just born in to the face of this planet to give us Harry Potter. She gave us an honor to experience magic firsthand and she rooted in deep within us that there is just no end from this point onwards…

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